A new online trade room has opened on the Southern Rural Water Exchange - making it easier and more transparent for people in South West Victoria to access groundwater.
The groundwater trade room has been developed by not-for-profit water broker Water Partners in partnership with Southern Rural Water and is now open to licenced groundwater customers in south west Victoria for temporary or permanent trade.
It helps existing groundwater licence holders to buy and sell in the following Groundwater Management Areas or Water Supply Protection Areas:
South West Limestone Groundwater Management Area
Portland Groundwater Management Area
Condah Water Supply Protection Area
Newlingrook Groundwater Management Area
Paaratte Groundwater Management Area
Warrion Water Supply Protection Area
Colongulac Groundwater Management Area
Glenormiston Groundwater Management Area
These areas have capped groundwater entitlement volumes to protect the resource. Trade is the main way users gain access to groundwater and the new trade room makes it easier for buyers and sellers in these areas to apply for trade.
The trade room will be expanded to more groundwater customers in the future.
You can access the online trading room at the Southern Rural Water Exchange via www.srwexchange.waterpartners.org.au or contact the team at Water Partners on (03) 5853 2333 for further information.
